About Me

Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Makings of a Busy Summer

It has not taken as long as I thought to get
things running back up to full speed at
Legacy. In the past three months, we have
been working to move Legacy forward and
I felt that it would take us until early Fall
to get back up to full speed putting
together workshops and new partnerships.
However, I have been on the phone a lot
in the past few weeks developing
relationships with churches who are
thinkingabout transitioning to a family
ministry discipleship model and making
new partnerships that may help move our
message of generational faithfulness
forward, helping us make disciples of all
people, even to the ends ofthe earth.
There are two of these relationships that
I would particularly like to share with you
this month.

In the past month or so, I have been
talking with the Family Ministry Pastor at
Red Bank Baptist in Chattanooga, TN. He
and his team have been researching and
thinking about moving their philosophy of
ministry toa family ministry model. As I
began talking with him, they were
interested in learning more about the
biblical foundations for making disciples
through a family ministrymodel. They
wanted to have a better understanding of
the various models that were out there so
they could discern which one, or
combination, might be best for their
church. They also wanted to talk about
some initial thoughts on how to transition
in implement change I was able to meet
with them in May and spend the better part
of a day sharing with them on those three
issues. It was a blessing and I believe God
is going to use that church to raise up a
generation of leaders to pass God's truth
onto the next generation.

The other relationship I want to tell you
about is with a man named Bob Dukes.
Bob and I have only had one conversation.
However, we met through a mutual friend
who serves on his board of directors.Bob
is the President and Executive Director of
World Discipleship Association. WDA is a
disciple building ministry that started here
inthe US working tomake disciples on
college campuses. They have also focused
on making partnerships and developing
centers overseas. They are now looking to
work through churches here at home and
are interested in hearing about our
Generational Faithfulness Family Ministry
Model as a possible framework and vehicle
for doing that. We are hopeful that we will
be able togo over and visit with them this
month and present the principles of our
model to them.

Please pray for us as we undertake these
new ministry opportunities as well as
continue to work with other churches and
ministry partners. We are grateful for
your support and encouragement.