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Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Response to "The Iconic Family"

On Wednesday night, Reid gave the Scriptural explanation for Satan’s attack on the family unit. Nothing is more fundamental to the governance of a free and God-fearing society than the integrity of the family. This email is to point out important implications of that teaching.

The integrity of the family:
By undermining the integrity of the family, Satan attempts to destroy the primary institution for the propagation of godly teaching. It is not in the school, or in the media, or in the public arena that a child is first exposed to godly teaching. It is in the home. During the early days of the church, all teaching occurred in homes, as there were no places of public assembly for believers. So, it is not enough for Satan to destroy the place of public assembly. He must also destroy the family.

The integrity of education:
Related to this are a number of important implications. The first of which is the fact that the destruction of the family requires the corruption of numerous other institutions. The most important tool in the destruction of the family is education. Since children spend as much time in school as they do in the home, and since the schools represent an opportunity to indoctrinate children without parental supervision. Satan’s first attack is upon the educational system. This has already occurred. School prayer has been banned, religion is ridiculed, and homosexual indoctrination has begun.

The integrity of the media:
Next comes the corruption of the media. After education (or perhaps even before education), the media exerts the strongest non-parental influence on children. The complicity of the media gives Satan additional cover for his attack upon the family. Never before in the history of the United States has the mainstream media shown such a flagrant disregard for journalistic principles as they have in this election cycle. Never before have they shown such violent opposition to a political candidate (Sarah Palin); and never before have their attacks been so openly directed to her family (to her children, in particular), as opposed to her political beliefs.The integrity of the vote:In spite of the legislative efforts of non-elected judges, the American family has steadfasty maintained is right to participate in public life through the power of the ballot box. But even that right is under attack. In this election cycle we can expect massive voter fraud in the state of Ohio and other states.

The integrity of the language:
The final stage in the destruction of a society is the Orwellian destruction of its very language. The prime example is the concept of “gay marriage.” It is not enough for Satan to legitimize gay relationships, or even to legitimize the concept of same-sex “partnerships.” Rather, it is essential that such partnerships be seen as “marriage,” so that there remains no trace of the traditional, scriptural, or linguistic foundations of the family. It is well established that “marriage” has been universally defined in over 80 languages, and that the universal concept of “marriage” derives from traditions that go back thousands of years. In the end, it is Satan’s plan that the concept “family” be taken out of the hands of pastors and Biblical teachers and placed into the hands of politically correct lexicographers who will extinguish any trace of the traditional meaning. When this occurs, “family,” as we know it, will indeed have ceased to exist.

Dr. Larry Fogelberg
Troy, AL

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