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Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ephesians Series: Theological Foundation

    Theological Foundation: Ephesians 1:5-14

    We saw last week that the thesis statement of the letter was that God is to be praised for who He is, for what He has done, for how He has done it and for why He has done it. This week we will see Paul lay out the theological foundation of the letter. In it is an explanation of divine side of God's redemptive work and a theological description of the spiritual blessings that we receive as a result.

    First blessing, Adoption Grace (5-6); In love, God predetermined to adopt us (through Jesus, or in Christ). Blessed us, just as He chose us, before the foundation of the world. He determined to adopt us, according to the purpose of His will. What is His will? He chose us in order to make us holy and blameless before Him. Now, what is the purpose of His will? The praise of His glorious grace. That is why Paul starts with praise, remember in verse 3, because the praise of His grace (vs. 2) is the purpose of His will to bless, just as He chose, in Christ, before the foundations of the world.

    Here, Paul explains how He chose us, He predestined us for adoption. Adoption is the heart of the gospel! The first spiritual blessing is adoption, and adoption is always by grace. Our adoption is through Christ, just as we were chosen in Christ. So, every spiritual blessing is found in Him. So, on top of our adoption, or in our adoption, or as part of our adoption, we receive, at conversion, at least 3 main spiritual blessings:

    Redemption (7-10); Redeemed; to purchase back, to pay the debt owed to buy a person out of slavery. Our redemption comes through His blood – blood is the payment of our sin debt, that is owed to God to purchase us out of bondage to sin. In Jesus we have redemption. It is not a possession, but a standing which we have been given once and for all as part of our adoption by grace. With redemption comes the forgiveness of sins – the debt of sin we owed is now forgiven, forgotten by God and we are set free. This is of course all according to the riches of grace that God has lavished on us in Christ. Why does Paul continually remind us of this point? Because t is the purpose of the will of God, our praise of His grace! In order that we are better able to praise His glorious grace, God makes known to us the means of our receiving grace: in wisdom and insight, God made the mystery of His will known to us – Why is it a mystery? - it is a mystery because we would not know it if God did not reveal it to us. He revealed the mystery of His will to us, according to His purpose – which is what? the praise of the glory of His grace – which He set forth in Christ. So, He set His plan into motion, at the right time, in Christ, to accomplish His will – to make us holy and blameless before Him, according to His purpose – to the praise of the glory of His grace. What is that plan? To unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth. (remember that for next week) How is he going to accomplish His plan to unite things in Christ? Redemption!

    Inheritance (11-12); Predestined for what? Adoption. Adoption implies inclusion in a family. Here, the family of God. As part of the family of God, we have obtained an inheritance from God the Father. Inheritance is a lot or portion that we have obtained as a possession, as part of our having been redeemed by adopting grace into the family of God. Paul then repeats the process by which an inheritance has been obtained for us; having been predestined (to what? Adoption) according to the purpose of God (what? Praise of the glory of His grace) according to the counsel of His will (what is His will here) to chose us to make us holy and blameless before Him. Then Paul give a new summary; what is the purpose of this will? (just in case we forgot) that we who are the first to hope in Christ – the first to be adopted by grace, in Christ – might be to the praise of His glory (we know, the glory of Hs grace in particular).

    Spirit of Promise (13-14); In Christ, you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. Now, this is different. Redemption came as part of the finished work of Christ, when the mystery of Gods will was revealed, and forgiveness of sins flows from it according to God's grace in Christ. Inheritance was obtained for us as part of our being predestined to adoption into the family of God, in accordance with the purpose His will that we would be to the praise of the glory of His grace. But the Spirit comes as a result of responding to means; when you heard the preaching of the gospel (the word of truth) and believed in Jesus (in whom alone all of this is found) then, you also were sealed, certified as an authentic child of God, bearing the mark of your Father, covered and protected by the royal seal of God, as a promise or guarantee (assurance) of the inheritance you have obtained in Christ, through the redemption of is blood, by being predestined to adoption for the praise of the glory of His grace. It is a seal, a promise, a guarantee of the inheritance you have received until you acquire it, or take possession of it – at the end – why? To the praise of His glory (the glory of His grace in particular).

    Now, what does this mean for us?

    1.We ought to love the idea of being adopted. A predetermined choosing of God.

    2. We ought to praise God, who chose us before the foundation of the world, so that He could bless us - pre-determine to adopt us, redeem us from sin to Himself in Christ, give us an eternal inheritance, and the Holy Spirit as a seal of promise.

    3. We should live for the will of God – that we should be holy and blameless before Him. We should labor and strive to be godly, because we have put out hope int he living God.

    4. We should live for the purpose of God – the praise of the glory of His grace.

    5. We should live for the plan of God – to unite all things together, in unity and submission, in Christ.

    6. We should be encouraged to persevere - to press on to acquire, or take hold of that - our inheritance, that for which Christ took hold of us - that we would be holy and blameless before Him, the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    7. Most of all, for those of us who have not done so, having heard the word of truth, the good news of our salvation, by grace, through faith in Jesus as the Christ, we ought to believe in Him – not believe about Him, but in Him – and continue to believe in Him. Those of us who have believed in Him should keep believing in Him, trust Him, place your faith in Him, that by God's grace you may be saved, redeemed, to the raise of His glory.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ephesians Series: Spiritual Blessings in Christ

Spiritual Blessing in Christ: Ephesians 1:3-14

We looked briefly last week at Paul's introduction to the letter to the faithful saints at Ephesus. We learned that how we greet people can communicate a great deal:

What we believe about ourselves -

What we believe about others -

What we believe about God -

What we believe about the Gospel -

Today we move to the body of the letter. The first three chapters are theological in nature, while the last three are practical applications of the doctrines and focus on Christian behavior. It is a letter of encouragement and admonition, written to remind us of the blessings we have in Christ; to be thankful for them and to walk in a manner worthy of them.

Riches – 5 times

Fullness or filled – 6 times

Glory - 8 times

Grace – 12 times

In Christ or in Him - 13 times

The reason I decided to continue with the book is because it was written to fight complacency. The key theme in the book is mystery (a heretofore unrevealed truth) of the Gospel, the church is; the universal body of Christ is made up of both Jews and Gentiles, the present spiritual and earthly body of Christ, the instrument of God's glory in the world.

Thesis Statement for the entire letter: 3-4

God is to be praised as the Father of our Lord, because He blessed us – just as he chose us, in Christ. God is to be praised; Blessed (eulogettos, Adj.) from eulogeo, which means to speak well of – literally “praised,” and as an adjective is applied only to God. (mkarios is the GK word used for men as in Sermon on the Mount – means happy). Here, it very literally says, “Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” God is the object of praise here.

God is praised first for who he is – Paul specifically identifies God as the Father of Jesus, who is both the Christ (messiah) and our Lord. God is worthy of our praise simply for who He is, apart from anything He has ever done or ever will do.

God is also to be praised for what He has done – God is the one who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Blessed; verb form, to bestow favor. How has God blessed us? All Spiritual Blessings; In His providential grace, God has already provided believers, at conversion, total blessing. Spiritual alludes to the fact that these blessings are all a work of God, not tat they are merely immaterial as opposed to material blessings. They are the work of God and that is why the blessing takes place in the heavenly places – literally “in the realm of God. The phrase “In Christ” is a dominant phrase in the first chapter. It makes clear that these spiritual blessings belong only to those who are justified by grace, through faith in Christ, so that what belongs to Christ is also theirs – including His righteousness, resources, position, privilege and power.

God is also to be praised for how He has done it – God has blessed us just as He chose us. Chose – we were blessed in the same manner in which we were chosen by God. To Choose (eklegomai, verb) literally means “to take” and is used only in the middle voice, in the sense of taking for oneself. To select, or to make a choice for oneself. We are chosen by God himself, for himself. In Christ – again the idea is that we are blessed in Christ, just as we were chosen in Christ. Apart from Jesus, there is no choosing and no blessing. They are made possible by the life and work of Jesus. Before the foundation of the world - Now, here is the crazy. We were blessed just like we were chosen, before the foundation of the world was lain. Through God's sovereign will, before the creation of the world, and therefore, independent of human influence and apart from human merit, God took us for himself in order to bless us and make us holy and blameless before Him.

God is to be praised for why He has done it – God blessed us, just as He chose us, so that we might be holy and blameless before Him. Holy (hagios, Adj.) “separated.” In Scripture, it's moral and spiritual significance is to be separated from sin and therefore consecrated to God, made sacred. Blameless (amomos, Adj.) “without blame,” or “without blemish.” Pure, implying wholeness with no fault being found. It is the supreme duty of all creatures to praise God. Are we fulfilling our duty of worshiping God as Paul outlines in Romans 12:1-2? We, as believers, are particularly to praise Him because of who He is, what He has done and why He has done it. God wants us to be holy and blameless, but in order for that to be a reality, we must be in Christ.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ephesians Series Introduction; What's in a Greeting

Nî hâo - Mandarin Chinese

Sawatdi – Thia

Jambo – Swahili Kenya

Guten Tag - Germany

Salvete – Latin plural

Hola Buenos días – Spanish

What's in a greeting?

I can tell you one thing about all Indian people and it is that greeting is a very big thing for us. In fact some say that greetings are a salutation to God for them.” Quote from article on greetings - Satsrikal greeting is for all in India

Greetings in Zambia are like a foundation that must be laid before your message can be communicated.” Missions to Zambia - Mwapoleni mukwai, Hello in Bemba

How we greet people means something. It communicates what we think of them. It can communicate what we think of ourselves. It can even communicate what we think of God – even the Gospel itself. What does how you greet people communicate what you believe?

Ephesians 1:1-2 Grace and Peace

This salutation is briefer than many in Paul's letters, probably because he knew the believers at Ephesus very well, more than in Corinth or Rome, saving his richest introductory remarks for the long blessing of God that follows.

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

How does Paul introduce himself?

Paul, Paul's opening greetings expand the conventional greetings found in ancient letters. He writes this greeting with the intention of communicating something in particular. Because Paul mentions his imprisonment (3:1; 4:1; 6:20), this letter should be dated to c. a.d. 62 when Paul was held prisoner in Rome (Acts 28). There was no specific occasion or problem that inspired this letter, though Paul does mention that he desired the Ephesians to know how he was getting on in prison (6:21–22).

Ephesians articulates general instruction in the truths of the redemptive work of God in Christ; the unity of the church among diverse peoples; and proper conduct in the church, the home, and the world. Unity and love in the bond of peace mark the work of the Savior as well as Christians' grateful response to his free grace in their lives.

There are two main themes of Ephesians: Christ has reconciled all creation to himself and to God, and Christ has united people from all nations to himself and to one another in his church. These great deeds were accomplished through the powerful, sovereign, and free working of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and are recognized and received by faith alone through his grace. In light of these great truths, Christians are to lead lives that are a fitting tribute of gratitude to their great Lord. How does Paul lay the foundation for the teaching of all of this truth in his introduction? How does Paul re-introduce himself?

Apostle emphasizes that Paul's authority is equal to that of the 12 apostles chosen by Christ. The apostles were specifically called by Jesus and had seen the resurrected Christ. The Greek word for “apostle” is apostolos, “one who is sent” and is derived from the verb apostellō, “to send out” which was used in the Greek OT to designate those commissioned as authoritative representatives to act in the name of the one who sent them. The apostles established and governed the whole church, under Christ, and they had authority to speak and write the words of God, equal in inspired authority to the OT writers. Paul was called to be an apostle when Jesus appeared to him on the Damascus road in Acts 9. Paul specifically here calls himself an apostle of Jesus Christ, making clear that he has no authority of his own, but that he was sent by Jesus. He spoke for Christ and wrote for Christ, not himself. He makes clear that this calling is in accordance with the will of God. He did not choose apostleship, but was chosen by God. His hope and security of his calling lay at the feet of the throne of God.

How would you introduce yourself? What would it communicate about you? Our introduction must reflect the fact that God is primary in our lives, not our hobbies, jobs or where we go to school or church. How does Paul address his audience?

Saints. Literally, “holy” or “dedicated ones,” referring to the identity and way of life of all who belong to God. Paul is speaking to believers, and thus everything he says is instructive for us as believers as well. However, he is addressing a specific group of believers, those at Ephesus.

Ephesus was a wealthy port city in the Roman province of Asia. It was a center of learning and was positioned near several key land routes in western Asia Minor. Ephesus boasted the temple of Artemis (one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world). Ancient Ephesus forms an appropriate background to the book of Ephesians because of this city's fascination with magic and the occult. This helps explain Paul's emphasis on the power of God over all heavenly authorities and on Christ's triumphant ascension as head over the church and over all things in this age and the next. The Ephesians needed to be reminded of these things in order to remain resolute in their allegiance to Christ as the supreme power in the world and in their lives. But Paul is more specific than even that. Who is it he is talking to?

Those who are faithful. The faithful saints at Ephesus. Authentic believers who have not only made a profession of faith, but who have held to a confession of faith and lived out a life of faith. What does it mean to be faithful? How do we know that we are in the group that Paul is addressing? You see Paul makes clear that it is not enough to be in church and say the right things, or even to do the right things, but our lives must be marked by faith, by the grace of God in Christ. So, what is it then that Paul essentially wants to communicate in his greeting?

Grace and Peace. Paul wants to communicate the two main themes of the letter: the reconciliation of all Creation to God through Christ, and Christ has united people from all nations to himself and to one another in his church. Grace. Paul uses a wordplay on the normal Greek greeting. Where the Greeks said, “Hello” (Gk. charein), the Christians said, “Grace” (Gk. charis). Paul intentionally wants to emphasize the idea of grace, that God has acted to reconcile us to himself, not based on who we are, but based on his nature and character, not through any effort on our part, but through the blood of Christ. Peace. Not untroubled circumstances but the profound well-being that comes from resting in God's sovereignty and mercy. This is a concept first expressed by the Hebrew greeting of shalom. Jesus used the same term as part of his salutation in John 14:27, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Shalom has a much richer meaning than the English word does since it conveyed not merely the absence of conflict and turmoil but also the notion of positive blessing, especially in terms of a right relationship with God, and also, as a result, the idea that “all is well” in one's life. That is the second part of what Paul wants to communicate; not only have we been reconciled to God so that we are no longer enemies, but as he will teach in this letter, we have been adopted into the family of God and made join heirs with Christ. Ultimately, Paul speaks not for himself, but brings this blessing from God . . .not the Father, but our Father; and from Jesus, who Paul presents as both Savior (Christ, or Messiah) and Lord.

Monday, March 7, 2011

False Teachers

In light of the recent noise concerning Rob Bell's video promotion of his upcoming book, I thought I would share a link to two sermons preached by Dr. Shawn Merrithew of Morningview Baptist Church titled "Beware of False Teachers." This is purely the providence of God as this is the fruit of his exposition of the book of Matthew and in no way a response to anything recent (though he does reference Bell in the second part).
I believe the messages are both timely and helpful in discerning truth, as we live in the daily tension of the epic confrontation between the truth and the lie. I pray they will be beneficial to those who are trying to discern what teachers are proclaimers of truth and what teaching they ought to place themselves under.

Beware of False Teachers

Dr. Shawn Merithew

Matthew 16:1-12

Series: Christ in Real Life, Real Life in Christ

Beware of False Teachers, Part 2

Dr. Shawn Merithew

Matthew 16:1-12

Series: Christ in Real Life, Real Life in Christ

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finally Arrived

It is good to finally be here at Morningview Baptist Church and have my feet on the ground. It is even better to be part of the Mornigview family. As part of that family, I am excited about the opportunity to get to know everyone better. I am proud of they have held things together during the interim, and am encouraged by their openness to change. Mt friend Randy Breedlove had long and very successful ministry here and I know he will be missed. However, I am honored to follow him here and I know God has opened a new chapter in the life of this family.

That new chapter offers all sorts of new opportunities and adventures. We have a chance to rethink everything we do, how we do it and why we do it. We have a chance to rethink what family and student ministry is, should be and can be. We have a chance to be the best we can be, and do the best we can do to honor God and glorify him through our lives, our families, and our ministries. When we set our hearts and minds on that, we will find ourselves being transformed by God in our lives, used by God in our families, and delighting in God in our ministries.

In the next few weeks, we will have a great opportunity to get to know each other as God challenges us to rethink what is normal, through Disciple Now 2011. I will be meeting with all of the adult leaders at a Students Leaders Lunch on the 27th and with the SALT Team on the following Wednesday (March 2), during the small group time (7-8 pm). In the weeks following that, I will be meeting with the Sunday School Leadership Team, FUEL Small Group Leaders, Drama Team, Worship Band, FUEL A/V Team, and other individual teams and leadership groups in order to begin to evaluate each ministry element and develop a comprehensive strategy for moving forward. We also hope to get a chance to meet each family individually over the next few months and we will have a Family Meeting with all student families each quarter beginning with the summer (sometime in May).

I pray this gives you a vision of how we are going to move forward and what we all have to look forward to as a church family as we transition to a Student and Family Ministry Model with family equipping and spiritual leadership as its focus.