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Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Truth: an issue of the heart and head

I would venture to say that virtually all falsehood comes from this: a stronger affection for the pleasures of sin than for the Truth of God.
So you see that the issue of truth is an issue of the heart before it is an issue of the head. When the heart is in love with self-exaltation and independence and the pleasures of sin, the mind will inevitably distort the truth or suppress the truth in order to protect the idols of the heart. What is needed is not just new ideas or more information, (though I believe they are both needed desperately!) but a new heart. And a new set of passions and desires and pleasures.
Throughout the Bible, we see that people, even believers, develop ungodly lives when they reject the truth of God’s word.
When we deny what God has revealed about himself, we form a wrong view of who God is.
That wrong view of God always leads to faulty worship because we worship some god of our own creation and not the God that has been clearly revealed in Scripture, and we worship in some way that we have devised out of our own pride and creativity instead of the way God has revealed He desires to be worshipped.
That wrong view of God always leads to a defective relationship with God because we are separated from God by our rejection of His truth, and because we are self-deceived in our relationship to our false god.
As a result of our faulty worship and defective relationship, our devotion to God wanes in disillusionment and our reverence is absent because our god is no god at all. This is by definition, ungodliness.
Unrighteousness is the result of ungodliness. Apart from God there is no righteousness. When we develop a wrong view of God and nurture that view through faulty worship, that wrong view of God always leads to either religious legalism, moral relativism or both. There is no conformity of thought, word, or deed to the character of God. When we deny what God has revealed about Himself, our view of Him fails. When our view of Him fails, our worship of Him falters. When our worship falters, there is no reverence, His truth has no authority and we are free to live life any way we choose or see fit. This is the great hope of progressive liberalism and postmodern culture.
The Remedy:
So here is the great lesson to be learned: the reason the mind evades, twists, distorts, manipulates and suppresses the truth of God is not mainly that we are mentally deficient, but because we are morally deficient. We suppress the Light of God's glory and power because we love the darkness of our own independence. We love our sins, our self-determination, and therefore we suppress the Truth that God is God and that we are to depend on him and live for his glory.
And this, Paul says in Romans 1:18, is why the wrath of God is being poured out. This suppression of the truth of his glory and his power and his deity and his goodness, because of our love affair with unrighteousness, makes him furious. And we should tremble.
Secondly, the modern church is largely and increasingly mentally deficient. The idea that the Christian message should be kept pliable and as ambiguous as possible in order to appeal to an emotion driven, self-centered, postmodern culture seems especially attractive to immature believers who are more in tune with culture than with God and love the spirit of this age. However, not knowing what you believe is by definition a kind of unbelief. Every Christian should know and love the truth. As we gain the ability to chew and digest deeper truths, we are supposed to be nourished by the meat of the word. We move from a merely childlike knowledge to a more mature grasp of truth in all its richness and relationship to other truth. We know God by knowing the truth that he has revealed about Himself.

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